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點(diǎn)擊次數:2439 更新時(shí)間:2017-03-24 打印本頁(yè)面 返回

Cable crimping control enables you to ensure a good connection of the cable and avoid the possible microcuts when using the conductor. When the cable is installed on a car, a plane or a machine, it is very important that this operation has been made correctly.

Cable crimping 控制能夠保證您在測量線(xiàn)纜時(shí)能夠使測頭與線(xiàn)纜保持良好的接觸,避免了可能的微小誤差。當線(xiàn)纜安裝在汽車(chē)、飛機或者任何機器上時(shí),如何正確的操作就至關(guān)重要了。

Our new micrometer S_Mike PRO Bluetooth® developed for this particular application is equipped with a knife anvil 0.5mm and a moving conical truncated anvil Ø 0.5 mm at the edge.

我們的新型藍牙千分尺S_Mike PRO正是為此特殊應用研發(fā)的。它兩側各裝配有一個(gè)0.5mm刃型測砧和一個(gè)可移動(dòng)0.5mm錐形測砧。

Our instrument enables you to measure easily and quickly the crimp height and to detect the potential crimp malformation, that could have severe effects on the use of the cable.

我們的設備保證您簡(jiǎn)單和快速測量褶皺高度并檢測到潛在的卷曲畸形,這些將會(huì )嚴重的影響線(xiàn)纜的使用。






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